Logistician (232186)

Type of studyForm of studyPremise to get startedStudy timeLanguage
Vocational education level 5 stationary, school-based learningsecondary education120 EKAP, 2 yearsstudying in English

The Profile of Applicants

Foreign country resident applicants should meet following requirements:

✤ It is necessary to write an application for admission and data processing

✤ Applicant needs to hold High school diploma and Diploma report card

(Third-country students need to be certified by an ERIC / NARIC)

✤ Applicant needs to hold international passport valid for next five years

✤ Good English Language skills (certified at level B1)

Basic study modules:
Introduction to the specialty: logistics
Information technology in logistics
Learning and working in a changing environment
Special course in logistics professional competencies
Management, supervision and teams in logistics
Customer relations and service in logistics
Freight planning
Arranging of transport and forwarding services
Contracts and documentation for the carriage of goods
Planning and organizing purchasing activities
Arranging for replenishment
Contracts and documentation for purchasing and replenishing stocks
Specialty research project in logistics
Foreign language professional logistics (English and Russian)
Foreign Languages in Logistics II (Estonian)
Internship I warehousing, purchasing and inventory management
Internship II freight transport planning and organization

Elective study modules:
Basic business module
Quality and risk management in logistics
Total logistics costs, budgeting and taxes
Return logistics, packaging and waste management
Supply chain management
Basics of production and material planning
ICT applications and future technologies
Practical application / solution in logistics
Dangerous and special transport
Logistics in e-commerce
Logistics for postal, parcel and courier services
Warehouse worker special course
Forklift driver course

Studies would be considered completed if the student has completed all the modules specified in the curriculum, acquired at least the threshold level and passed a professional examination. The achievement of the learning outcomes is assessed by passing each module one by one and passing a professional exam on the basis of criteria laid down by the Commission.

Qualifications acquired upon completion of studies:
Upon achieving the full-time learning outcomes of the curriculum, the competencies and qualifications corresponding to the profession "Logistics, level 5" are acquired

Further study opportunities:
At the University of Applied Sciences

Opportunities in the labor market:
Upon graduation, it will be possible to work in the following positions in various fields:                                                                                                                                                                                            Transport Manager, Logistics, Warehouse and Purchasing Manager, and other positions whose responsibilities include matters related to logistics.

Published 04.03.2020. Last changed 01.12.2022.