Online Schooling

Sihtrühm: õpetajad/spetsialistid

Tüüp: Erasmus+

Eelarve 7068


The Covid-19 pandemic has served to accelerate a shift already well underway in some institutions and brings them a greater sense of urgency to demonstrate greater value. Schools
now face new pressures to provide an educational experience that is engaging, motivating and effective, regardless of how it is delivered. As schools may stay closed across many
countries again, many students and teachers have to adapt to a new reality of remote learning.
Online teaching and learning, like the newest form of distance education today, will lead to new, different and more relevant outcomes. Teaching online requires specialized skill sets
including the understanding of how to conduct classes in a virtual environment, knowing when and how to use video conferencing, share content, respond to students’ submissions.
Software and technology are also changing very rapidly, and our schools want to keep up with these developments. One of the key challenges in online teaching is how to assess
students remotely, to prevent them from cheating, using other materials, or accessing the web on other devices during the test. Online assessments are a critical part of distance
learning and should be undertaken with the same level of care and rigor that teachers put into creating their learning content. Therefore, we intend to focus on introducing effective
pedagogical strategies for online teaching rather than the technology itself.
The general objective of our project is to motivate and help teachers to use online teaching to become a normal part of the educational process in our schools. The more specific
objective is to suggest and recommend for implementation a model of assessing students remotely. By using this approach, students might gain enhanced learning outcomes.
To achieve and fulfill the objectives, we plan to develop these main outputs:
a) Manual for teachers containing curriculum resources for teachers, their professional development resources, digital tools for supporting online teaching and tools for collaboration
b) Guide for assessment focused on testing options, methods and software tools
c) Live resources for inspiration – sharing experiences with remote teaching, learning and assessing.
During the project lifetime, we will organize two physical staff training events and two virtual, an online workshop for students of all our schools and two transnational meetings for


Střední průmyslová škola chemická Tšehhi vabariik

Abidin Pak Pakmaya Anadolu Lisesi Türgi
Byåsen videregående skole Norra
Valgamaa Kutseoppekeskus Eesti

Töötajad: Mario Liimann, Kaidi Loos, Eva Tšepurko, Siim Villemson, Ave Kaupmees

Avaldatud 13.12.2021. Viimati muudetud 13.12.2021.